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Software Development

Software development is an amalgamation of several activities such as designing, testing, planning, programming, bug fixing and more, which allows maintenance and development of an application. This simple process is enhancing globalization, as well as changing our lifestyle. In this tech-savvy world, software development and improvement are helping businesses, small or large, reach great heights of success.

The software services engineer expertise in PHP, python, .NET and databases such as Oracle, SQL, MongoDB and other latest software technologies. Its always been learning and having the exposure to upcoming technologies developing globally. Digital Websynation is all set to take challenging task in various domains and accomplish it.

Our expertise in software development essentially include the below-mentioned factors-

·         Development, migration, integration, and maintenance of the custom software applications

·         Experienced professionals over the cloud-based custom software entities like AWS, Google, Azure, and many more

·         Software testing solutions (manual and automated) for a software product.

·         User interface design, development, and deployment.

·         Development of mobile applications on multiple platforms using a range of technologies.

·         Workflow automation and continuous integration and deployment pipeline across the software architecture, including dockerization.

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The term "web development," sometimes referred to as "website development," describes the work involved in designing, developing, and managing websites and web applications.